英语翻译学习笔记 The Story of My Life (Excerpt 2
本文作者海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller, 1880-1968)是美国女作家及教育家,1882年,因高发烧差点丧命。她虽幸免于难,但发烧给她留下了后遗症-- 她再也看不见、听不见。因为听不见,她想讲话也变得很困难。 这个既盲又聋的孩子最后成长为享誉世界的作家、教育家和演说家。本文选自凯勒所著《我的生活》第四章,这一章记述她是怎样在老师指导下开始认字的。
1. On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant. 在那个不寻常的下午,我一声不响,怀着期待的心情站在门廊里。
“eventful”意为:full of memorable or notable events 有许多大事的。
例:(1)He's had an eventful life. 他一生中有很多大事。
(2)an eventful year 有许多大事的一年
2. The afternoon sun penetrated the mass of honeysuckle that covered the porch, and fell on my upturned face. 午后的阳光透过覆盖在门廊上的茂密的金银花,照在我微微仰着的脸上。
“mass”意为:quantity of matter without a regular shape 团;块;堆。
例:(1)There were masses of dark clouds in the sky. 天上有朵朵乌云。
(2)A mass of snow and rock broke away and fell on the climbers. 一堆积雪和岩石突然崩落到登山者的身上。
3. My fingers lingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring. 我几乎是无意识地用手抚摸着熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶片和刚开的花朵在南方迎来了芬芳的春天。
“linger”意为:be late or slow in going away; stay at or near a place 逗留;徘徊。
4. I did not know what the future held of marvel or surprise for me. 但不知今后等待着我的是什么,会使我欣喜,还是惊骇。
“marvel”意为:wonderful thing; sth. Causing great surprise, pleased astonishment; 奇异的事;令人惊奇的事物。
5. Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, ... 不知你是否有过这样的经历——在海上航行遇上了大雾,周围一片白,好像着实把你关在一个黑暗的地方,…
“tangible”在句中作定语用,意为:clear and definite; real 明确的;确切的;真实的。在句中被译为“着实”。
例:(1)tangible advantages 真正的优势
(2)tangible proof 确凿的证据
(3)the company's tangible assets 公司的有形资产
“white darkness”是一种修辞手法,称为矛盾修辞法(Oxymoron)。但直译成“白色的黑暗”会令人费解。"white"指被笼罩在雾中,周围白茫茫一片;"darkness"指被雾笼罩之后周围的事物都无法看见,故译文把两词分开处理,译作“周围一片白,好像着实把你关在一个黑暗的地方”。
6. …,and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? …,那条大船又紧张又着急,一面用测深锤和索探测深浅,一面向岸边慢慢驶去,你的心也怦怦直跳,生怕出事。
“the great ship”是修辞手法——借代,无须译作“大船上的人”。
“grope one's way”意为:make one's way in the stated direction by feeling or searching 摸索着向某方向走。
例:grope one's way along a darkened corridor 在黑暗的走廊里摸索着走
“plummet”意为:plumb-line 测深锤,铅锤,铅垂线
本文标签:福建自考 串讲笔记 英语翻译学习笔记 The Story of My Life (Excerpt 2