英语翻译学习笔记 Universal Copyright Convention
1. Moved by the desire to ensure in all countries copyright protection of literary, scientific and artistic works, 出于保证其各国对文学、科学、艺术作品的版权给予保护的愿望;
“move”在这里的意思是:cause or prompt (sb)(to do or not do sth)驱使,激励或鼓动(某人)(做或不做某事)。为了和后面的“愿望”相匹配,“Moved by the desire...”译作“出于…的愿望”。
注意“in all countries”原本是个状语,在译文里被处理成为一个名词短语。
2. Convinced that a system of copyright protection appropriate to all nations of the world and ex前一单元ssed in a universal convention, additional to, and without impairing international systems already in force, will ensure respect for the rights of the inspanidual and encourage the development of literature, the sciences and the arts, 确信适用于世界各国并以世界公约确定下来的、补充而无损于现行各种国际制度的版权保护制度,将保证对个人权利的尊重,并鼓励文学、科学和艺术的发展;
“a system of copyright protection”后面带了一个很长的修饰语,为了使句子比较紧凑,译文仍将其放在“版权保护制度”的前面。
3. Persuaded that such a universal copyright system will facilitate a wider dissemination of works of the human mind and increase international understanding, 相信这种世界版权保护制度将会促进人类精神产品更加广泛的传播和增进国际了解;
“such a universal copyright system”意思是“这样一种世界性的版权制度”,为了和上一句衔接得更好,译作“世界版权保护制度”。
4. Have resolved to revise the Universal Copyright Convention as signed at Geneva on 6 September 1952 (hereinafter called "the 1952 Convention"), and consequently, 决定修订一九五二年九月六日于日内瓦签订的《世界版权公约》(下称"一九五二年公约"),
此句的主语就是全文开头的“The Contracting States”。“the Universal Copyright Convention”是特指的,故《世界版权公约》用书名号。
“and consequently”译在下面一句。
5. Have agreed as follows: 为此特协议如下:
“Have agreed”和上一句的“Have resolved”并列。
6. Published works of nationals of any Contracting State and works first published in that State shall enjoy in each other Contracting State the same protection as that other State accords to works to its nationals first published in its own territory, as well as the protection specially granted by this Convention. 任何缔约国国民出版的作品及在该国首先出版的作品,在其它各缔约国中,均享有其它缔约国给予其本国国民在本国首先出版之作品的同等保护,以及本公约特许的保护。
“enjoy”后面的宾语是“protection”,“the same...as...”是一个短语。“that”是个先行词,后面的“other State accords to works to its nationals first published in its own territory”是定语修饰“that”。“accords to...”意为:give or grant给予。
7. For the purpose of this Convention any Contracting State may, by domestic legislation, assimilate to its own nationals any person domiciled in that State.为实施本公约,任何缔约国可依本国法律将定居该国的任何人视为本国国民。
“domiciled”是个形容词,其名词形式是“domicile”,常用于法律文书中,是个非常正式的词,意为:a person's place of residence, esp. as officially established for purposes of taxation, etc.住处,住所(尤指正式住址,据此履行纳税等法律义务者)。形容词“domiciled”的意思是:having one's domicile in a place有固定住所。
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