
发布日期:2018-05-23 12:27:04 编辑整理:福建省自考网 【字体: 】    【自考招生老师微信】





  astronaut  n. a person who travels through space in a space vehicle 宇航员

  astrophysics  n. the scientific study of the chemical nature of the stars and the natural  forces that influence them 天体物理学

  billow  v. rise and roll in waves (波浪似地)翻腾

  breathtaking  a. very exciting 激动人心地

  capture  v. hold the interest of; captivate 引起(注意);迷住

  cataclysm  n. a violent and sudden change or event  灾变,大变动

  churn  v. (cause to) more about violently 剧烈搅动

  collaborate  v. work together or with someone else  协作,合作

  collision  n. the action of meeting and striking (together) violently 碰撞,冲突

  cosmic  a. of or related to the whole universe 宇宙的

  cosmos  n. the whole universe 宇宙

  crucial  a. of deciding importance 决定性的,关键的

  devastate  v. destroy completely 彻底破坏

  dimension  n. a measurement in any one direction 尺寸,尺度,维

  distract  v. take (a person or a person‘s mind) off sth. 分散,分心

  domesticate  v. make…able to live with and serve man 驯化,使归化

  elliptical  a. having the shape of oval 椭圆型的

  exquisite  a. very finely made or done; sensitive and delicate 优美的,精巧的,敏锐的

  fragment  n. a small broken piece 碎块,断片

  galaxy  n. any of the large groups of stars which make up the universe 星系

  gigantic  a. unusually large in amount or size 巨人似的,庞大的

  gravitation  n. the act of drawing down 地心引力,吸引力

  horizon  n. line at which earth and sky meet 地平线

  illuminate v. give light to 照亮,照明

  intricate  a. containing many detailed parts and thus difficult to understand  复杂的,难懂的

  melancholy  n. sadness, esp. over


本文标签:福建自考 串讲笔记 自考英语阅读(二)词汇UNIT-37





